Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Village Idiot
wannaexit, thank you. -
Village Idiot
Sorry I missed it, what was it about? -
For God So Loves the Western World...
by Tempest in a Teacup in...that only people from those countries can lead 'his organization'.. a few years ago, one conversation stopper people would often bring up to jws in my country is: 'you guys are an american religion'.
the standard answer we were formatted to give to shoot that down was that "god does not favor any nationality over others.
however some countries do possess some advantages needed for the advancement of the divine work.
Village Idiot
@ Billy the Ex-Bethelite:
"This time, the boss is prepared to let the JW go and can deny their request for unemployment benefits because they chose to quit."
It's possible to apply for underemployment while still working. That encourages the company to reverse their decision.
Flier on "Day and Week of Christ's Death" to be mailed out to Kingdom Halls this week!
by CharlieSmith1975 inthe tricky thing about a mass mailing to all the kingdom halls is that mail is often not delivered to the kingdom hall but to a po box.
it is super easy to get all the addresses to hundreds of kingdom halls across the country and even have those addresses printed out for you as labels!
but when i did that before i got about a third of them back.
Village Idiot
Charlie, your whole flier is a bit cumbersome to read but I'm basing what I said on the last paragraph:
"So in the context of the "great tribulation" possibly occurring after the April 4th eclipse, some will get a hint that they are in a false religion and are about to be destroyed. It's too late to escape now. As I said, the lamb-dragon beast represents the WTS' Governing Body and the 666-Beast represents Christendom. But BOTH of them are killed at the same time in the lake of fire."
First you're predicting a date for the end; second you're elevating the Watchtower to a position where they are an actual fulfillment of certain scriptures.
Why not throw in the Mormons and the Apostolic Reformation? There are other religions that are authoritarian and absurd so why should God focus on just the Witnesses?
Flier on "Day and Week of Christ's Death" to be mailed out to Kingdom Halls this week!
by CharlieSmith1975 inthe tricky thing about a mass mailing to all the kingdom halls is that mail is often not delivered to the kingdom hall but to a po box.
it is super easy to get all the addresses to hundreds of kingdom halls across the country and even have those addresses printed out for you as labels!
but when i did that before i got about a third of them back.
Village Idiot
Charlie, with all due respect, I think that you need to meditate on this and your beliefs before sending anything out. -
Religion is nothing but bad ideas
by freemindfade inin light of the continuing disgusting acts by isis... just remember.
Village Idiot
All three of the 'Abrahamic' religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - are genocidal in their view of outsiders. ISIS even more so since they believe that most Muslims are in fact apostates and therefore worthy of death. This situation will live on until society secularizes like Europe did centuries ago. -
Flier on "Day and Week of Christ's Death" to be mailed out to Kingdom Halls this week!
by CharlieSmith1975 inthe tricky thing about a mass mailing to all the kingdom halls is that mail is often not delivered to the kingdom hall but to a po box.
it is super easy to get all the addresses to hundreds of kingdom halls across the country and even have those addresses printed out for you as labels!
but when i did that before i got about a third of them back.
Village Idiot
CharlieSmith 1975, I suggest the same thing that others here are - keep it very short. One topic, preferably the one on the organization's self glorification including one quote from Russell and one from Rutherford about how they claimed their literature was more important than the Bible and another on about how there was more proof of the date 1925 being the end than Noah had proof of the flood.
Whatever you send should be no more than a single page with a minimum of words from you. Make the quotes take up most of the sheet.
Ignore the issue of the correct week of Christ's death - nobody cares.
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
Village Idiot
"I'm the one who is finding and pointing out the moral high ground and you're not. You CAN'T find any moral high ground in the situation of a tsunami (as an atheist) because natural occurances don't happen with any thought to morality."
There is no "moral high ground" in a tsunami or any other natural disaster.
Flier on "Day and Week of Christ's Death" to be mailed out to Kingdom Halls this week!
by CharlieSmith1975 inthe tricky thing about a mass mailing to all the kingdom halls is that mail is often not delivered to the kingdom hall but to a po box.
it is super easy to get all the addresses to hundreds of kingdom halls across the country and even have those addresses printed out for you as labels!
but when i did that before i got about a third of them back.
Village Idiot
I once did a mass mailing to the apartment complex where I live where most of the tenants are or were JWs. It included an advertisement for the books Crisis of Conscience and The Gentile Times Reconsidered. It got the whole neighborhood (124 apartments) in an uproar.
That's why the Witnesses keep an eye on me 20 years later.
Caleb & Sophia video Getting Big Coverage
by freemindfade inwow, i am kind of surprised the amount of attention this appalling video is getting from the media.
not surprised because it is appalling but that something that i grew up with was encapsulated in a cartoon and is exposing the witnesses publicly for mind control..
Village Idiot
Don't mean to be a nitpick but there's a typo in the last word of the 4th paragraph.